Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thou shall know thy color!

You really do not have to spend a lot of money on clothes to have great style you just need to know what your personal style is and what looks best on you! This all starts with color. You can have on the most expensive piece of clothing and if it's not your color what is the point? On the other hand you can have on an inexpensive blouse from Forever 21 and look like a million bucks! For example: the blouse in my engagement pictures was a fuchsia one shoulder ruffled top from Forever 21 and I belted it with a belt from Charolette Russe. The top was like $21 and the belt maybe $10. But, it looked awesome in the pictures and just as great as any expensive top! The reason why is because the COLOR! It totally popped and brought out the best in my eyes, skin and hair color! Weather it be makeup or clothes color plays an important role in making us shine! Color can bring out the most beautiful you! First you need to understand warm tones versus cool tones. Warm colors are like red, yellow and orange. Cool colors are blue, green violet. Most people fall on one side of the spectrum or the other depending on your hair, eye and skin color.

Now it is time to find out what your color temperature is! Metallics are the fastest and easiest way to figure this out. Take a piece of gold and silver foil wrap (or just find a piece of clothing thats silver or gold shimmery) and put it up to your skin. Which one of these colors makes you glow? If you are a "warm" skin type than you glow in gold! "Cool" skin types shine in silver! If you are really not responding to either one than you are a neutral! "Neutral" tone skin people can wear pretty much any color but I would choose colors that bring out your eye color the most.

The tone in colors is also important to understand. For example red is "cooler" if it is closer to violet and "warmer" if it is closer to to orange. So within color groups you can find cooler and warmer shades that will work for you. For example in the pink group coral is a warm pink; mauve is a cool pink. Just keep that in mind before you rule out colors to wear!

So, if you respond to cool colors you are going to look best in blues, greens, black, gray/silver and gem tones! Silver jewelry is also going to look best on you along with gem toned jewelry like emerald and magenta.

If you respond to warm colors you are going to look best in yellow/gold, orange, red and brown colors. You should stay away from pastels if you are a warm skin tone because those colors tend to wash you out. Warm skin tones look best in gold jewelry!

Now, neutral tone skin falls between the extremes of blue and yellow undertones so it is very versatile. I am a neutral skin tone but I respond to warmer colors like golds when it comes to eyeshadow and clothes. You just have to know what brings out the most beautiful you! If you apply these rules when you are getting dressed and putting on your makeup you can make sure you are putting your best foot forward everyday.

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